

BBBA is under the Abeka® Master Video Program. We utilize both the Abeka® Video and Book materials from grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. Classroom instructions are done by both the Abeka® Master teachers through Online Video Streaming and our on-site teachers. We also have an option to teach traditionally by an on-site teacher using the Abeka® curriculum. Students in grades nine through twelve receive credit toward graduation requirements and are given an accreditation option to earn a diploma directly from Abeka Academy. This option, which has additional fees, requires that the student work is sent to the Abeka® Academy Office so they can validate individual student work and provide accredited services to students by using this additional service. 


Abeka Academy credits on the basis of its accreditation through FACCS. They are also a member of the Association of Christian Schools, International (ACSI). Its courses have been approved for NCAA scholarship eligibility, as well, and its students have been accepted into many colleges across the United States. For an additional annual fee, parents have the option to enroll their child to be under the Abeka accreditation program. Our school follows the very same strict guideline that is approved by their program.

Accreditation by a stated governmental agency is an administrative mechanism designed as an attempt to attain uniform education for all children in government schools. It was established as a governmental means of causing local public school districts to meet what the state educational agencies determined to be minimum academic and facility standards for government schools. Accreditation teams, therefore, investigate and approve or disapprove facilities and curriculum in educational institutions according to the criteria developed by secular educational administrators who may not be Christian, nor have a Christian philosophy of education.

Accreditation of a private Christian school is not necessary for a graduate of that school to enroll in a college or university. Registrars of such institutions are interested in the academic merits of individual students, not in the name of their school graduation. Thus, they evaluate each applicant's academic aptitude through nationally standardized tests. This school does not seek accreditation by any outside educational institution, but does endeavor to provide the highest possible academic program.

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